Monday, February 22, 2010

A glance at Adulthood...A chance of apology

On this blog I write about many thing but never myself. Pretty ironic considering that this blog is called Just Malan B. So for now on I will write about me. But get ready because you about to get a whole lot of me....Let get started...

Peace be still

When you grow up, you will have a peace with you. A peace that can not be disturb. A understand of how things are a the sense to know that no one and no thing can change it. A atom is a atom. A bull is a bull. A Rat is a rat and there is nothing you can do about that. Well today was my day of growth.

I am growing up. Yes, I know I am 25 years old but your age does not make you grown. It just makes you old. You actions tell your growth. Today I began to grow. For many years I allow others to do things for me, which is totally my fault. I forgot how much potential I have. I forgot who I was. I had an Epiphany today. I found me. It took me a while 24 years and 1 months but I am here looking at the world with 20/20 vision instead of some broken glasses. Being out in the world will make you see things in a new light.

I finally realize that fighting and screaming does not make you right at everything. Turning the other cheek is as powerful as a sword. Saying hateful and mean things is not the best way to get your point across, sometimes saying nice caring words will get everything done. Staying in drama never solves everything, sometimes leaving is the key to peace.

I found peace with myself today. A gift God gave me. A stillness after a storm. A calmness after the rage. A peace is surrounding me and nothing can hurt me. No angry words can anger me. No threats can hold me now. Though I know that I have a lot of growing to do, I now know that I am finally doing it.

The thing about growing up is that you realize the wrong you done to many people. When you are a child, you do mean things. You say hurtful words. You become a immature and hurtful person. I was that! Now I realize that being this way is not how a woman acts. Today I am taking the steps to adulthood. For all the people I hurt in the past. I am truly sorry. I hope you forgive me.

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