Wednesday, January 27, 2010

iPad - Bad name but great product

Though the name is a bit comical, the iPad is a great piece of technology. With various apps available, the new iBook store, and a touch screen, the iPad is official is the Kindle killer. The only thing I was disappointed is the iPad does not have a USB port but neither does the Kindle. I am also very happy about the price, I can afford the $499 price tag. I also like that the wi-fi plan because it has a prepaid plan. So you can shut it down the contract anytime you want. I will definitely read my books and comics on it. It is a better alternative that carry all my books around.

So will I get this... I will get it but I may wait for the second gen...then again...If the funds look right..that iPad is mine asap.

Side note: I am renaming my iPad to iMalan---it sound a lot better!

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