Thursday, May 7, 2015

Just Malanb reflections- May 7th

Over the past few weeks,  I been having a few revelations about many things happening in my life.  One for certain is that some people are just about themselves.  Don't get me wrong,  their is nothing about looking out for yourself but their is a problem when you want other's lives to center around you.  I am finally realizing that keeping my distance from such individuals can only be beneficial to me. 

Shit, I have my own goals and problems I need to abolish and accomplish. 
Another revelation is that I discovered is that people that who is really happy for you and your accomplishments will genuinely congratulate you. The acknowledgement can mean so much and most of the time come from the most surprising places. It also shows me who really cares.
While others who see your work will either want something for their own benefit or hate you for doing something that they could have done but were either too lazy or too scared to do. 

The saddest part of this is that I realize some of the closest people to me are culprits of this kind of offense.

Another Revelation that I had recently that I really need to make my blog Heavy on Fashion a profitable business, scale down Milan Malan Word on the street, Write more on Just Malanb,  and make being a influencer and writer a full time commitment.

Finally I realize must of all, all jobs are the same. People talk about each other behind their backs every 5 minutes. Others will try to take credit for your accomplishments and be first to point out your faults. The same management game play comes in no matter where you work. 

There are some exceptions to the rule, these people I have meet and I learned so much from. I also encountered a person so negative that it is sickening and toxic. I need to focus on my personal goals more than trying to make a job work that may be getting in the way of that. Hopefully something will change soon. 
I am feeling that fulfilling another company's goals is hampering my own.

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